The other Side of WIKIHOW.
Steffan Brown In the age of the internet, this generation has many valuable uses at its disposal. Entertainment, advice, business ventures, blogs, and even learning is a possibility with the internet.These helpful options that the internet offers can be applied in everyday life. Aside from google, bing,yahoo search,which are the bigger browsers, more specific sites like wikipedia and wikihow have been there to save our days over the years. Wikihow has a self explanatory name because through the site wiki there are articles that show people how to do many things, some simple and some complicated. As stated before the internet offers many options that can help in everyday life and wikihow is definitely at the top of the list. As we take use if these options do we ever wonder what it's like being on the other end,being the one to give the help? Wikihow also offers that alternative. So given the task of making a wikihow was a new experience. To make a w