Steffan Brown
(The making of a portfolio)
In This world where image is almost everything, it is very important to represent yourself in the best way you can and in a way that feels right. Representing yourself properly may seem easy but it can be a potentially cautious task when put into deep thought. Everyone wants to look there best in front of people and be who we truly are. So these important respresentation aspects carry on into many situations. Which could be meeting people for the first time, Speeches, team sports, being a student, or getting a job. Getting a job probably being the most important due to the fact that it can effect your lively hood and well being, if your in desperate need.
When trying to get a job offer we can make impressions in many ways. The way we dress, talk, shake hands, content in conversation, or resume and portfolio. Resume and portfolio can make impressions before you even come in for an interview. Resumes are the traditional outlet to show what you can do, but for a deeper evaluation for those viewing for a position a portfolio may be in order. This takes us to the process of making a portfolio for a job.
Which again sounds easier than it is. The first step is taking all the work that you deem perfect for presentation. This would include everything that would display your abilities to the fullest and filling requirements for the job. The next step is creating a bio and describing yourself and abilities briefly. We tend to want to over explain what we can do but a bio requires the total opposite.
Now after having the foundation for a portfolio as directed by professor Pabico it is time to put it all together. The way we achieve that is through dreamweaver programming on the mac computer. This allows you to create your own self designed website through coding. Which again is harder than it sounds. With the help from professor Pabico it was possible to get a head start to make this website/portfolio using a format base that she told us to upload to dreamweaver. So now we had to do the intricate part which is the coding, also similar to the wiki how project. When inserting videos or pictures it is important to keep certain coding that is already there in place depending on what your inserting.
After inserting information we are able to move on to putting a personal touch on the website, like changing the header, adding contact info or social media accounts to the page. This allows a persons personality to show a little bit in the portfolio. There is also the option of changing the page background. Finally having everything together it was important to see the site in real time preview, if everything checks out then its ready to go.
This process is way more intricate than it might sound but it requires caution. But overall the ability to create your own portfolio and website is a self satisfying activity and can be fun when you reach the personalizing point in the process. Great way to end this class for the semester!
(The making of a portfolio)
In This world where image is almost everything, it is very important to represent yourself in the best way you can and in a way that feels right. Representing yourself properly may seem easy but it can be a potentially cautious task when put into deep thought. Everyone wants to look there best in front of people and be who we truly are. So these important respresentation aspects carry on into many situations. Which could be meeting people for the first time, Speeches, team sports, being a student, or getting a job. Getting a job probably being the most important due to the fact that it can effect your lively hood and well being, if your in desperate need.
When trying to get a job offer we can make impressions in many ways. The way we dress, talk, shake hands, content in conversation, or resume and portfolio. Resume and portfolio can make impressions before you even come in for an interview. Resumes are the traditional outlet to show what you can do, but for a deeper evaluation for those viewing for a position a portfolio may be in order. This takes us to the process of making a portfolio for a job.
Which again sounds easier than it is. The first step is taking all the work that you deem perfect for presentation. This would include everything that would display your abilities to the fullest and filling requirements for the job. The next step is creating a bio and describing yourself and abilities briefly. We tend to want to over explain what we can do but a bio requires the total opposite.
Now after having the foundation for a portfolio as directed by professor Pabico it is time to put it all together. The way we achieve that is through dreamweaver programming on the mac computer. This allows you to create your own self designed website through coding. Which again is harder than it sounds. With the help from professor Pabico it was possible to get a head start to make this website/portfolio using a format base that she told us to upload to dreamweaver. So now we had to do the intricate part which is the coding, also similar to the wiki how project. When inserting videos or pictures it is important to keep certain coding that is already there in place depending on what your inserting.
After inserting information we are able to move on to putting a personal touch on the website, like changing the header, adding contact info or social media accounts to the page. This allows a persons personality to show a little bit in the portfolio. There is also the option of changing the page background. Finally having everything together it was important to see the site in real time preview, if everything checks out then its ready to go.
This process is way more intricate than it might sound but it requires caution. But overall the ability to create your own portfolio and website is a self satisfying activity and can be fun when you reach the personalizing point in the process. Great way to end this class for the semester!
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